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When Opportunity Knocks New Year, New Focus, New You

New financial year is time to recount on the previous years performance and look toward the year ahead.

For most SME's, the last quarter has potential to be the most profitable reporting period, so now is the ideal time to revisit marketing strategies, to capitalise on the upcoming spending spree.

We suggest our clients start this process by reflecting on what product or service generated the highest revenues historically. Consider previous trends, in line with analysis of "who" and "why" forms the foundation for key call to actions.

Once determined, this message should be integrated into above line, online, direct and social channels campaigns, to not only increase new growth but also generate excitement within the active customer base. Our top tip is to set this time of year aside to focus on reengagement of any customer inactive since last Christmas.

Most importantly, be sure to track your results and how each advertising medium performed so next year, you can continue to build on knowledge and momentum.

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